
dations ◷ 2023-09-18 12:34:41



  1. 清晰明了: 英文题名应该明确反映论文的主题,避免使用模糊或晦涩的词汇。读者应该能够从题名中理解论文的核心内容。

  2. 简洁精炼: 尽量保持题名的简洁性,避免使用冗长的句子或短语。通常,一个好的英文题名应该在10-15个单词之间。

  3. 关键词使用: 优先考虑使用与论文主题相关的关键词,这有助于提高论文的可搜索性。

  4. 避免缩写: 避免在题名中使用过多的缩写词汇,除非该缩写在学术领域内广泛认可。

  5. 注意语法和拼写: 题名中的每个单词都应拼写正确,语法正确,符合英语书写规范。

  6. 使用动词: 在可能的情况下,使用动词来强调论文的行动或研究方法。例如,"A Study of..." 或 "An Analysis of..."。


  • "The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Ecosystems"
  • "An Investigation into the Effects of Social Media on Mental Health"
  • "A Comparative Analysis of Renewable Energy Policies"


  1. 背景介绍: 开始摘要时,简要介绍研究领域的背景,指出研究的动机和重要性。

  2. 研究目的: 阐述研究的主要目标和问题。读者应该清楚地了解你的研究目的。

  3. 方法描述: 简要描述研究方法,包括数据收集、实验设计或调查过程。不需要提供太多技术细节。

  4. 结果总结: 突出研究的主要结果和发现。使用清晰的数据和关键数字来支持你的陈述。

  5. 结论强调: 总结研究的结论,并强调其在研究领域的重要性。不要添加新信息或讨论。

  6. 字数限制: 大多数期刊和会议都规定英文摘要的字数限制。确保在规定字数范围内完成。


vbnetBackground: Climate change poses significant challenges to coastal ecosystems worldwide. This study aims to assess the impact of rising sea temperatures on the biodiversity of coral reefs in the Pacific Ocean.

Methods: Field surveys were conducted at multiple coral reef sites, and water temperature data were collected over a three-year period. Biodiversity was quantified using species richness and abundance metrics.

Results: The results indicate a strong negative correlation between rising sea temperatures and coral biodiversity. As sea temperatures increased, species richness and abundance decreased significantly
< particularly in shallower reef areas.

Conclusion: This study highlights the urgent need for effective measures to mitigate the impact of climate change on coastal ecosystems. It provides valuable insights for policymakers, conservationists, and researchers working towards the preservation of coral reefs in the face of global environmental challenges.

Keywords: climate change, coral reefs, biodiversity, sea temperature, Pacific Ocean



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